一、受教育经历 2017.01-2020.01 澳大利亚科廷大学Curtin University, 石油工程系, 石油地质学, 博士, 导师:Reza Rezaee教授 2015.09-2016.10 中国石油大学(华东), 石油工程学院, 石油工程专业,硕士学习(升博中止), 导师:谷建伟教授 2011.09-2015.07 中国石油大学(华东), 石油工程学院, 石油工程专业, 学士, 导师:谷建伟教授、侯健教授 二、工作及学术经历 2021.06-至今 beat365官方网站,beat365官方网站,地质学系,副教授 2020.02-2021.02 澳大利亚伊迪斯科文大学Edith Cowan University (ECU),石油工程系,讲师 2019.05-2019.12 澳大利亚科廷大学Curtin University,石油工程系,助讲 (兼职) 2017.03-2020.01 澳大利亚科廷大学Curtin University,海洋油气工程,助理 (兼职) 三、研究领域及方向 ● 非常规油气地质; ● 页岩储层微纳米孔隙结构发育及演化; ● 核磁共振技术在非常规资源中的应用; ● 油藏描述及多尺度储层评价; ● 深层页岩气吸附与解吸; ● CO2地质封存 四、科研项目及学术成果 (近五年) 1. SCI期刊论文(通讯作者以‘*’标出) [1] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R., Yu, H., Zou, J., Liu, K., Zhang, Y. 2021. Compositional controls on nanopore structure of different shale lithofacies: A comparison with pure clays and isolated kerogens, Fuel 303, 121079. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.121079 [2] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R., Verrall, M., Hu, S., Zou, J., Testmant, N. 2018. Pore characterization and clay bound water assessment in shale with a combination of NMR and low-pressure nitrogen gas adsorption. International Journal of Coal Geology 194, 11-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coal.2018.05.003 [3] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R. 2019. Fractal analysis of the pore structure for clay bound water and potential gas storage in shales based on NMR and N2 gas adsorption. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 177, 756-765. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2019.02.082 [4] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R., Zou, J., Liu, K. 2021. Pore-scale study of the wetting behaviour in shale, isolated kerogen and pure clay. Energy & Fuels, 35 (22), 18459-18466. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02721 [5] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R., Al-Khdheeawi, E., Hu, S., Verrall, M., Zou, J., Liu, K. 2019. Impact of Composition on Pore Structure Properties in Shale: Implications for Micro-/Mesopore Volume and Surface Area Prediction. Energy & Fuels 33, 9619-9628. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b02232 [6] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R. 2019. Impact of Paramagnetic Minerals on NMR-Converted Pore Size Distributions in Permian Carynginia Shales. Energy & Fuels 33, 2880-2887. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b04003 [7] Yuan, Y.*, Rezaee, R. 2019. Comparative porosity and pore structure assessment in shales: Measurement techniques, influencing factors and implications for reservoir characterization. Energies 12, 2094. https://doi.org/10.3390/en12112094 [8] Mahdi, D. S., Al-Khdheeawi, E. A.*, Yuan, Y. *, Zhang, Y., and Iglauer, S., 2021, Hydrogen underground storage efficiency in a heterogeneous sandstone reservoir: Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 5 (4), 437-443. doi: 10.46690/ager.2021.04.08 [9] Xu, J., Wu, S.*, Liu, J., Yuan, Y.*, Cui, J., Su, L., et al., 2021, New Insights into Controlling Factors of Pore Evolution in Organic-rich Shale. Energy & Fuels 35 (6), 4858–4873. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c04189 [10] Zou, J.*, Rezaee, R., Yuan, Y. *, Liu, K., Xie, Q., You, L. 2020. Distribution of adsorbed water in shale: An experimental study on isolated kerogen and bulk shale samples. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 187, 106858. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2019.106858 [11] Wang, J., Yuan, Y., Zhang, D., Chang, S., 2021, Detrital zircon geochronology of Late Cretaceous successions in the Ganzhou basin, South China: Evidence of a major tectonic transition Mesozoic Biological Events and Ecosystems in East Asia, Geological Society of London. https://doi.org/10.1144/SP521-2021-168 [12] Chen, S., Yu, H., Li, X., Lebedev, M., Lu, M., Yang, Z., Cheng, W., Yuan, Y., Ding, S., Johnson, L., 2022, A new approach to calculate water saturation in shale reservoirs, Energy & Fuels 36, 1904–1915. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c04067 [13] Li, X., Lebedev, M., Lu M., Yuan, Y., Zhan, J., Yang, Z., Cheng, W., Yu, H., 2022, The influence of CO2 saturated brine on microstructure of coal: implications for carbon geo-sequestration. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2022.802883 [14] Liu, K., Jin, Z., Zeng, L., Yuan, Y., Ostadhassan, M. 2021. Determination of clay bound water in shales from NMR signal: the fractal theory. Energy & Fuels, 35 (22), 18406-18413. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c02285 [15] Dong, H., Zhang, Y., Lebedev, M., Arif, M., Yuan, Y., Iglauer, S., 2021. Simulating Coal Permeability Change as a Function of Effective Stress Using a Microscale Digital Rock Model. Energy & Fuels 35 (10), 8756–8762. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00619 [16] Liu, K., Ostadhassan, M., Sun, L., Zou, J., Yuan, Y., Gentzis, T., Zhang, Y., Carvajal-Ortiz, H., Rezaee, R. 2019. A comprehensive pore structure study of the Bakken Shale with SANS, N2 adsorption and mercury intrusion. Fuel 245, 274-285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2019.01.174 [17] Liu, K., Ostadhassan, M., Hackley, P., Gentzis, T., Zou, J., Yuan, Y., Carvajal-Ortiz, H., Rezaee, R., Bubach, B. 2019. Experimental Study on the Impact of Thermal Maturity on Shale Microstructures Using Hydrous Pyrolysis. Energy & Fuels 33 (10), 9702-9719. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.9b02389 [18] Zou, J., Rezaee, R., Yuan, Y., 2018, Investigation on the adsorption kinetics and diffusion of methane in shale samples. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 171, 951-958. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2018.08.010 [19] Zhang, Z., Li, P., Yuan, Y., Liu, K., Hao, J., Zou, H., 2020, Quantitative Prediction of Fractures in Shale Using the Lithology Combination Index: Minerals (10), 569. https://doi.org/10.1071/AJ16184 [20] Ren, S., Liu, Y., Gong, Z., Yuan, Y., Yu, L., Wang, Y., Xu, Y., Deng, J. 2018. Numerical simulation of water and sand blowouts when penetrating through shallow water flow formations in deep water drilling. Journal of the Ocean University of Qingdao 17, 17-24. 2. 会议论文 [1] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Han, T., Verrall, M., Hu, S., Zou, J., 2018. Pore characterization and fluid distribution assessment of gas shale. Proceedings of 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2018, p.1 - 5. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201800809 [2] Testamanti, N., Rezaee, R., Yuan, Y., Pan, D., 2017. Determination of T2 cut-off for shale reservoirs: a case study from the Carynginia formation, Perth Basin, Western Australia. Proceedings of the APPEA conference and exhibition, 57 (14-17 May 2017), 664-668, Online, The APPEA Journal 57, (2), 664-668. https://doi.org/10.1071/AJ16184 [3] Yu, H., Wang, Z., Rezaee, R., Su, Y., Tan, W., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Y., Xiao, L., Liu, X., 2017. Applications of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) logs in shale gas reservoirs for pore size distribution evaluation. Proceedings of Unconventional Resources Technology Conference 2017, 9 pages, Online, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC). https://doi.org/10.15530/URTEC-2017-2663389 3. 学术报告及国际交流 [1] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., 页岩微纳米孔隙结构及演化机理,中南大学,2019,中国长沙 [2] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., 页岩储层多尺度孔隙结构表征,西北大学,2019,中国西安 [3] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Advanced NMR Interpretation for Shale Evaluation, 2020. FESAus, Perth, Australia. [4] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Fractal pore surface analysis for Permian Carynginia shales, Interpore, 2018, New Orleans, USA. [5] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Han, T., Verrall, M., Hu, S., Zou, J., Pore characterization and fluid distribution assessment of gas shale, 2018, 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Copenhagen, Denmark. [6] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Impact of clay minerals on pore structure properties in Permian Carynginia and Ordovician Goldwyer shales, OCPC Conference, 2018, Malaysia. [7] Yu, H., Wang, Z., Rezaee, R., Su, Y., Tan, W., Yuan, Y., Zhang, Y., Xiao, L., Liu, X., NMR logs in tight gas sandstone reservoirs pore structure evaluation, 2017, Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, USA. [8] Yuan, Y., Rezaee, R., Comparative multi-scale pore structure assessment in shales, OCPC Conference, 2017, Malaysia. 4. 承担科研项目 [1] 重庆大学煤矿灾害动力学与控制国家重点实验室开放课题,超临界CO2强化川滇地区页岩气解吸与地质封存一体化机理研究,2011DA105287—FW202106,10万,2022-2024,主持,在研 [2] 云南省基础研究专项青年项目,原位核磁共振研究超临界CO2改善页岩储层物性的作用机理,202101AU070045,5万,2022-2025,主持,在研 [3] beat365官方网站“双一流”建设人才引进项目,川滇地区页岩气储层精细评价,50万,2021-2024,主持,在研 [4] 自然资源部深地动力学重点实验室开放研究课题,黏土矿物对超临界二氧化碳 (scCO2) 置换解吸页岩气的影响,J1901,2020-2022,主持,在研 5. 发明专利 [1] 一种饱和页岩孔隙流体分离及饱和度计算的实验方法,专利号:ZL201611021718.4,授权日期: 2020. 02. 07,排名: 2/2 [2] 岩心中微裂缝的造缝方法、微裂缝密度的测量方法和模型建立方法及微裂缝岩心的制备方法,授权日期: 2016.12.21,专利号:ZL201610533262.3,排名9/9 [3] 一种基于井地电位法的油水分布识别方法,专利号:ZL201610202073 .8,授权日期: 2016. 08. 03,排名10/16 五、教学及学生指导 2021-至今(beat365官方网站) l 指导3名硕士研究生: 邱 鸿(2021级,资源与环境专业) 王金建(2021级,资源与环境专业) 焦梦妍(2020级,矿物、岩石、矿床学学专业) l 指导研究生科研创新项目,获立项支持: 焦梦妍,“四川盆地五峰组-龙马溪组黑色页岩有机质差异富集及主控因素”, 2021。 l 指导大学生创新创业训练计划,获立项支持: 张园,杨雪清,申婷,吴昀霞,马云腾,“滇东北地区五峰组-龙马溪组优质页岩储层评价”,2021。 l 承担课程: 《沉积岩石学》(本科生) 《科研规范训练》(本科生) 2017-2021年度(伊迪斯科文大学ECU,科廷大学) l 主讲3门本科生/硕士研究生课程,开设1门本科生课程,助讲3门本科生/硕士研究生课程: 《Petroleum Geology》石油地质学(本科生及硕士研究生),石油工程专业课,伊迪斯科文大学(ECU),主讲,2020 《Petrophysics and Formation Evaluation》岩石物理与测井解释(本科生及硕士研究生),石油工程专业课,ECU,主讲2020 《Introduction to Energy and Resource Engineering》能源工程概论(本科生),工程学院基础课,ECU,创建、编撰兼主讲,2020 《Introduction to Engineering》工程学概论(本科生),工程学院基础课, 助讲,ECU,2020 《Petrophysics and Reservoir Properties》(本科生及硕士研究生),石油工程专业课,科廷大学,助讲,2019 《Introduction to Offshore Platforms and Transport》(本科生及硕士研究生),石油工程选修课,科廷大学,助理,2017-2019 l 指导8名本科/硕士研究生(BEng/MEng),协助指导1名博士研究生(HDR)开展核磁共振研究: Raghuma Reddy CHENGAL REDDY (MEng);Nithin RADHAKRISHNA (MEng);Kaartikgayan S (BEng); Kaab AL SADAIRI (BEng. Hon);Suraj DEVKOTA (BEng);Tapan Ashokkumar PATEL (BEng);Ghazanfer ABBASI (HDR) Dek Yiong WONG (MEng);Xingjia YAN (BEng) 六、学术兼职 l 科学/青年编委: 《 International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》(IJCST)期刊科学编辑,2022 《Advances in Geo-Energy Research》 AGER期刊第一届、第二届青年编委, 2021-2022 l 专题客座主编: 《Characterization of the Unconventional Continental Shale Oil Reservoirs》专题,Geofluids期刊 《Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources非常规油气资源》专题,Advances in Geo-Energy Research期刊 l 期刊审稿人: 《Water Resources Research》; 《Marine and Petroleum Geology》; 《Fuel》; 《Energy & Fuels》; 《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》;《Journal of Soils and Sediments》; 《Geofluids》; 《ACS Omega》; 《Energies》; 《Minerals》; 《Advances in Geo-Energy Research》;《Journal of Earth Science》 l 国际学术组织会员: 中国地质学会 Geological Society of China; 美国石油工程师协会 Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE); 美国石油地质学家协会 American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG); 国际岩石物理与测井分析师学会 Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA); 西澳大利亚GWWA协会 七、获奖及荣誉 l 西澳GWWA 联合基金 (澳大利亚GWWA组织授予,2019) l 国家建设高水平大学公派博士研究生项目(中国留学基金委授予,2016) l 斯伦贝谢奖学金 Schlumberger Scholarship (美国斯伦贝谢有限公司授予,2015) l 国家公派优秀本科生国际交流项目(中国留学基金委授予,2014) l 中国国家奖学金 (中国教育部授予,2013) l 中国石油奖学金 CNPC Scholarship (中国石油天然气集团有限公司授予,2012) l 美国石油工程师协会奖学金 SPE Scholarship (SPE协会授予,2012) 八、招生简介 l 课题组每年招收1-3名研究生,欢迎有专业基础的优秀研究生、本科生积极参与并加入课题研究。专业背景要求符合工程或数理大类,如石油地质学、石油工程、沉积岩石学、岩石地球化学等 l 对于非常规油气领域及相关交叉学科具备探索热情和科研理想的同学可放宽上述专业背景要求 l 学业优异者可推荐至北京大学、中国石油勘探开发研究院、中国石油大学,以及澳大利亚和美国多所知名高校开展交流或联合培养。