| 作者:吴涧 | 发布日期:2016-05-02 12:39:00
 |
吴 涧,博士,教授,博士生导师 |
简介 |
男,1973年5月生,博士,教授,博士生导师。主要从事大气环境与气候变化领域研究。主持过国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、面上项目5项,云南省自然科学基金项目2项,参加过国家重点基础研究发展规划项目3项。发表第一作者和通信作者学术论文60余篇,其中SCI论文30余篇,中文核心期刊论文30余篇,此外与他人合作发表论文50余篇。现为云南省中青年学术和技术带头人,中国气象学会理事、大气成分、大气物理、气象教育与培训专业委员会委员、中国颗粒学会青年理事、气溶胶专业委员会委员,中国科学院寒旱区陆面过程与气候变化重点实验室学术委员会委员,云南省气象学会副理事长,云南省高校低纬高原大气环境与边界层过程重点实验室主任。担任学术期刊«高原气象»、«暴雨灾害»、«beat365官方网站学报自然科学版»编委。教学经历包括为大气科学专业本科生讲授:大气物理学、大气科学概论、计算方法、数值天气预报、热学、大气科学概论、诊断分析等课程,为气象学、大气物理学与大气环境专业研究生讲授大气数值模式和模拟、大气边界层动力学、高等大气物理学等课程。已指导20余名研究生获得学位。主要学术工作包括:1) 评估了东亚地区不同种类气溶胶输送过程中,气溶胶浓度平流的通量散度与风场散度的相对重要性,研究了主要种类气溶胶的辐射强迫和气候效应;2) 提出一种基于短期可靠卫星观测气溶胶光学厚度资料与地面观测能见度资料,反演长期逐日气溶胶光学厚度资料的新方法,显著改善反演效果;3) 实现了人类活动引起的大尺度土地覆盖/利用类型变化(LUCC)与自然因素对近地面观测风速影响的分离,量化评估了LUCC和气压梯度力对近地面风速下降的作用,指出近几十年来地面风速下降主要是由LUCC引起的地面阻力系数升高导致;4) 指出中国地区观测到的小雨减少主要是由于增暖和水汽含量变化导致的低空相对湿度下降引起,气溶胶增多对小雨的抑制作用并非主要因素。 |
主持国家自然科学基金项目 |
1,青年项目:用相互反馈的气候和大气化学模式研究气溶胶的气候效应(40205016) 2,面上项目:东亚地区气溶胶和温室气体对对流层高度的影响(40675007) 3,面上项目:用区域海气--大气化学耦合模式研究东亚气溶胶的直接辐射气候效应(40975092) 4,面上项目:近五十年我国小雨减少原因的深入分析和模拟研究(41275162) 5,面上项目:中国近地面风速下降原因的分析和模拟(41675149) 6,面上项目:能见度反演气溶胶光学厚度方法的改进(41875178) |
主要学术论文 |
1, Wu Jian, Jiang Weimei, Fu Congbin, Su Bingkai, Liu Hongnian, Tang Jianping, Simulation of the radiative effect of black carbon aerosol and regional climate responses over China, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2004, 21(4): 637-649 (200408)
2, Wu Jian, Fu Congbin, Jiang Weimei, Liu Hongnian, Zhao Runhua, Preliminary simulation research of direct forcing of mineral dust aerosol over East Asia region, Chinese J. Geophys., 2005, 48(6): 1336-1347 (200511, In Chinese)
3, Wu J., Fu C. B., Xu Y. Y., Wang W., Wang Z., Simulation of Direct Effects of Black Carbon Aerosol on Temperature and Hydrological Cycle in Asia by a Regional Climate Model, Meterol. Atmos. Phys. 2008, 100, 179-193. (200808)
4, Wu Jian, Congbin Fu, Yanyan Xu, Jianping Tang, Zhiwei Han, Renjian Zhang, Effects of total aerosol on temperature and precipitation in East Asia, Clim. Res., 2009, 40(1): 75-87. (200911)
5, Wu J., Zhang R. J., Tang J. P., Xu Y. Y., Simulation of the direct effects of dust aerosol on climate in East Asia. Particuology, 2010, 8(4): 301-307, doi:10.1016/j.partic.2010.01.006 (201008)
6, Wu J., Fu C. B., Zhang L. Y., Tang J. P., Trends of visibility on sunny days in China in the recent 50 years, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 55: 339-346. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.03.037 (201208)
7, Wu J., Xu Y. Y., Yang Q., Han Z. W., Zhao D. M., Tang J. P., A numerical simulation of aerosols’ direct effects on tropopause height. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2013, 112(3-4): 659-671 doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0760-5 (201305)
8, Wu J., Liu J., Variations of cloud fraction over East Asia under global warming conditions in the past 20 years, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2013, 19 (2): 171-180. (201306)
9, Wu J., Yang Q. D., Yang X., Zhao D. M., Changes in the tropopause height induced by landing typhoons in China during the last 50 years. Atmos. Sci. Let. 2013, 14(3): 176-180, DOI: 10.1002/asl.436. (201307)
10, Wu J., Guo J., and Zhao D. M., Characteristics of aerosol transport and distribution in East Asia. Atmospheric Research, 2013, 132-133: 185-198, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.05.018. (201310)
11, Wu J., Zhang X., Hu J. Y., Zhao D. M., Probability of different visibility grades in China over a 50-year period. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 2013, 122 (1-2): 115-123, doi 10.1007/s00703-013-0277-1. (201310)
12, Wu, J., J. Luo, L. Zhang, L. Xia, D. Zhao, and J. Tang (2014), Improvement of aerosol optical depth retrieval using visibility data in China during the past 50 years, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2014, 119, 13370-13387, doi:10.1002/2014JD021550. (201412)
13, Wu, J., L. Zhang, D. Zhao, and J. Tang (2015), Impacts of warming and water vapor content on the decrease in light rain days during the warm season over eastern China, Clim. Dyn., 45: 1841-1857, doi: 10.1007/s00382-014-2438-4. (201510)
14,Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao (2016), Estimating the impact of the changes in land use and cover on the surface wind speed over the East China Plain during the period 1980-2011, Clim. Dyn., 46(3): 847-863 , doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2616-z. (201602)
15, Wu, J., C. Y. Ling, D. M. Zhao, B. Zhao (2016), A counterexample of aerosol suppressing light rain in Southwest China during 1951-2011, Atmos. Sci. Let., 17(9): 487-491, doi: 10.1002/asl.682. (201609)
16, Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao (2017), Evaluating the effects of land use and cover change on the decrease of surface wind speed over China in recent 30 years using a statistical downscaling method, Clim. Dyn., 48(1-2), 131-149, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3065-z. (201701)
17, Wu J., Zhang L. Y., Gao Y. C., Zhao D. M., Zha J. L., Yang Q. D. (2017), Impacts of cloud cover on long-term changes in light rain in Eastern China, Int. J. Climatol., 37(12): 4409-4416. doi: 10.1002/joc.5095. (201710)
18,Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao, Q. D. Yang (2018), Changes in Terrestrial Near-Surface Wind Speed and Their Possible Causes: An Overview, Clim. Dyn., 2018, 51(5-6): 2039-2078. doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3997-y (201809).
19,Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao, Q. D. Yang (2018), Effects of surface friction and turbulent mixing on long-term changes in the near-surface wind speed over the Eastern China Plain from 1981 to 2010, Clim. Dyn., 2018, 51(5-6): 2285-2299. doi:10.1007/s00382-017-4012-3 (201809).
20,Wu J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao, Q. D. Yang (2018), Changes of wind speed at different heights over Eastern China during 1980-2011, Int. J. Climatol. 38(12): 4476-4495. doi.org/10.1002/joc.5681 (201810)
21,Wu J., P. W. Zhang, J. L. Zha, D. Zhao, W. X. Lu (2019), Evaluating the long-term changes in temperature over the low-latitude plateau in China using a statistical downscaling method, Clim. Dyn., 52(7):4269-4292, doi: 10.1007/s00382-018-4379-9 (201904)
22, Fu C. B., Wu J.*, Gao Y. C., Zhao D. M., Han Z. W., Consecutive extreme visibility events in China during 1960-2009, Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 68:1-7, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.11.035 (correspondence author)
23, Guo, J., Y. Yin, J. Wu*, D. M. Zhao (2015), Numerical study of natural sea salt aerosol and its radiative effects on climate and sea surface temperature over East Asia, Atmospheric Environment, 106: 110-119, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.01.074. (correspondence author)
24, Xie, Y., J. Wu*, X. T. Liu, T. F. Zhang, Y. J. Xie, Y. J. Xu, Characteristics of cloud-to-ground lightning activity in hailstorms over Yunnan province. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2015, 136 Part A: 2-7, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2015.10.011. (correspondence author)
25, Zha, J. L., J. Wu*, D. Zhao (2016), Changes of probabilities in different wind grades induced by land use and cover change in Eastern China Plain during 1980-2011, Atmos. Sci. Let., 17: 264-269, doi:10.1002/asl.653 (correspondence author)
26,Zha, J. L., J. Wu*, D. Zhao (2017),Effects of land use and cover change on the near-surface wind speed over China in the last 30 years,Progress in Physical Geography, 41(1): 46-67. doi: 10.1177/0309133316663097 (correspondence author).(201702)
27, Zha, J. L., J. Wu*, D. Zhao, Q. Yang (2017), Changes of the probabilities in different ranges of near-surface wind speed in China during the period for 1970–2011, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 169: 156–167, doi: 10.1016/j.jweia.2017.07.019 (correspondence author) (201710).
28, Sun Tianze, Huizheng Che*, Jian Wu*, Hong Wang, Yaqiang Wang, Xiaoye Zhang (2018), The variation in visibility and its relationship with surface wind speed in China from 1960 to 2009, Theoretical and applied climatology, 131 (1-2): 335–347, doi: 10.1007/s00704-016-1972-x. (201801)
29, Zha, J. L., J. Wu*, D. Zhao, J. P. Tang (2019), A possible recovery of the near-surface wind speed in Eastern China during winter after 2000 and the potential causes, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 136(1-2): 119-134, doi: 10.1007/s00704-018-2471-z (correspondence author) (201904)
30, Zhang, S., J. Wu*, D. Zhao, L. Xia (2019), Characteristics and reasons for light rain reduction in Southwest China in recent decades, Progress in Physical Geography, 43, (5): 643-665, doi: 10.1177/0309133319861828 (correspondence author) (201910)
31, Zhang, S., J. Wu*, W. Fan, Q. Yang, D. Zhao (2020), Review of aerosol optical depth retrieval using visibility data, Earth-Science Reviews, 200, 102986. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102986 (correspondence author) (202001)
32, Zha J. L., J. Wu*, D. Zhao, W. Fan (2020), Future projections of the near-surface wind speed over eastern China based on CMIP5 datasets, Climate Dynamics, 54(3): 2361-2385, doi: 10.1007/s00382-020-05118-4 (correspondence author) (202002)
33, Fan, W., Wu, J.*, Li, X., Yang, F. and Chen, B. (2020). Influences of a quasi-stationary front on particulate matter in the Low-latitude Plateau region in China. Aerosol Air Qual. Res. 2021, 21(1):200125, doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2020.03.0125 (correspondence author) (202101)
34, Zha J. L., Shen C., Zhao D. M., Wu J.*, Fan W. X. (2021), Slowdown and reversal of terrestrial near-surface wind speed and its future changes over eastern China, Environmental Research Letters, 16(3): doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abe2cd. (correspondence author) (202102)
39,吴涧,蒋维楣,王卫国,山区盆地大气湍流特征与污染扩散的数值试验,环境科学学报2000, 20(5):554-557
41,吴涧,周志恩,王卫国,郭世昌,杨明珠,昆明地区臭氧总量变化与降水之间关系的初步分析,beat365官方网站学报,2001, 23(4): 248-251
43,吴涧,蒋维楣,刘红年等,硫酸盐气溶胶直接和间接辐射气候效应的模拟研究, 环境科学学报,2002,22(2).129-134
44,吴涧,王卫国,郭世昌,张艳霞,卫星实测臭氧总量资料在区域气候模拟中的应用研究,beat365官方网站学报,2002, 24(4): 287-293
45,吴涧,王卫国,郭世昌,谢应齐,陈新梅,中国地区大气硫化物分布和输送基本特征的模拟研究,beat365官方网站学报,2002, 24(3): 204-210
46,吴涧,蒋维楣,刘红年等,我国对流层臭氧增加对温度的影响,高原气象, 2003, 22(2) 132-142
47,吴涧,王卫国,谢应齐,郭世昌,陈新梅,罗燕,中国地区工业硫酸盐气溶胶对辐射和温度的影响,beat365官方网站学报,2003, 25(1): 41-47
48, 吴涧,蒋维楣,刘红年,王卫国,罗燕,硫酸盐气溶胶直接辐射效应在线和离线模拟方法的比较,气象学报,
49,吴涧,王卫国,谢应齐,罗燕,屈卫峰,矿尘气溶胶短波辐射效应的初步研究,热带气象学报, 2004,20(3): 328-336
50, 吴涧,蒋维楣,王卫国,罗燕,姚克亚,袁仁民,我国春季大气沙尘气溶胶分布和短波辐射效应的数值模拟,中国科学技术大学学报,2004,34(1):116-125
51,吴涧,蒋维楣,陈新梅,王卫国, 生物质燃烧对东南亚及中国南方对流层臭氧含量影响的模拟研究,环境科学, 2004,25(2):1-6
52, 吴涧,符淙斌,蒋维楣,刘红年,赵润华,东亚地区矿物尘气溶胶直接辐射强迫的初步模拟研究,地球物理学报,2005,48(6): 1250-1260
53,吴涧,符淙斌,近五年来东亚春季黑炭气溶胶分布输送和辐射效应的模拟研究, 大气科学, 2005, 29(1): 99-107.
54,吴涧,刘红年,王卫国,刘罡,硫酸盐直接辐射强迫的在线与固定转化率模拟方法的对比研究,热带气象学报,2005,21(6): 614-620
55,吴涧,罗燕,王卫国,东亚地区人为硫酸盐气溶胶辐射气候效应不同模拟方法的对比,beat365官方网站学报,2005,27(4): 323-331
56, 吴涧,杨茜,王卫国,袁敏,樊雯璇,全球对流层顶温度场演变的气候学特征分析,beat365官方网站学报,2006, 28(4): 323-332
57, 吴涧,杨茜,符淙斌,王卫国,吴佳,许彦艳,全球变暖背景下东亚对流层顶高度演变特征的研究,热带气象学报,2007,23(6):348-354
58,吴涧, 刘佳. 近二十年全球变暖背景下东亚地区云量变化特征分析. 热带气象学报, 2011, (4): 551-559
59,符传博, 吴涧*, 丹利. 近50年云南省雨日及降水量的气候变化. 高原气象, 2011,30 (4): 1027-1033 (通信作者)
60, 张利,吴涧*,张武,1955-2000年中国能见度趋势变化分析,兰州大学学报,2011,47(6): 46-55. (通信作者)
61,高艳春,吴涧*,气溶胶影响中国东部微量降水的初步分析,中国科学院大学学报,2014,31(3): 314-321. (通信作者)
62,张丽亚,吴涧*, 近几十年中国小雨减少趋势及其机制的研究进展,暴雨灾害,2014,33(3):202-207. (通信作者)
63,陆雯茜,吴涧*,气溶胶影响印度夏季风和东亚夏季风的研究进展,地球科学进展,2016,31(3):248-257,doi:10.11867/j.issn.1001-8166.2016.03.0248. (通信作者)
64,罗敏(#); 吴涧(*). 区域海气耦合模式RIEMS2.0-POM2K模拟的黑碳气溶胶对东亚春夏气候的影响, 高原气象, 2020, (04): 870-888. (202008) |
Jian Wu, doctorate, professor, doctorial tutor of meteorology. Main research fields include the radiative and climatic effects of aerosol and the climatic effects of large scale land use and cover change (LUCC). He acted as PI of six projects of Chinese Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) and two projects of Natural Science Foundation of Yunnan Province, China. In addition, Dr. Wu participated in three projects of National Key Program for Developing Basic Sciences of China. He has published more than 60 papers in journals as the first or the correspondence author, including more than 30 paper embodied by SCI and more than 30 embodied by the Chinese core journal database, and he has also published additional 50 papers as co-author. Dr. Wu has been awarded the leading young scientist of Yunnan Province in the field of aerosol and radiative effects. In addition, he serves the vice-president of Yunnan meteorological society, and the member of scholar committee of the Key Laboratory of Land Surface and Climate Change in Cold and Arid Regions, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the editorial committee members of some Chinese journals, including Plateau Meteorology, Torrential Rain and Disasters, Journal of Yunnan University-Natural Science Edition. His teaching experiences include undergraduate courses of atmospheric physics, computational method, introduction to atmospheric sciences, numerical weather prediction, thermology, weather diagnostic and analysis, and graduate courses of senior atmospheric physics, atmospheric model and simulation, atmospheric boundary-layer dynamics. Dr. Wu has supervised more than 20 graduate students to achieve their degrees. His main academic works include: 1) the quantitative assessment of the different effects of the flux divergence induced by aerosol advection (AFD) and by the flux divergence induced by wind divergence/convergence (WFD) in the aerosol transport processes, respectively, and simulations of aerosol’s climatic effects in East Asia; 2) proposing a new method of inversing aerosol optical depth (AOD) based on daily visibility data and short-term reliable satellite AOD data, which can inverse long-term daily AOD with the highest precision in current; 3) the quantitative assessment of different effects of LUCC and pressure gradient force (PGF) to the observed decrease of near-surface wind speed (SWS) in China, and then, deducing the main cause inducing the decrease of the SWS to the rise of drag coefficient led by LUCC; 4) the warming and the change of water vapor played main role in observed light rain reduction in China, which was more stronger than the depression effect of aerosol increase. |
Selected publications |
1, Wu Jian, Jiang Weimei, Fu Congbin, Su Bingkai, Liu Hongnian, Tang Jianping, Simulation of the radiative effect of black carbon aerosol and regional climate responses over China, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 2004, 21(4): 637-649 (200408)
2, Wu Jian, Fu Congbin, Jiang Weimei, Liu Hongnian, Zhao Runhua, Preliminary simulation research of direct forcing of mineral dust aerosol over East Asia region, Chinese J. Geophys., 2005, 48(6): 1336-1347 (200511, In Chinese)
3, Wu J., Fu C. B., Xu Y. Y., Wang W., Wang Z., Simulation of Direct Effects of Black Carbon Aerosol on Temperature and Hydrological Cycle in Asia by a Regional Climate Model, Meterol. Atmos. Phys. 2008, 100, 179-193. (200808)
4, Wu Jian, Congbin Fu, Yanyan Xu, Jianping Tang, Zhiwei Han, Renjian Zhang, Effects of total aerosol on temperature and precipitation in East Asia, Clim. Res., 2009, 40(1): 75-87. (200911)
5, Wu J., Zhang R. J., Tang J. P., Xu Y. Y., Simulation of the direct effects of dust aerosol on climate in East Asia. Particuology, 2010, 8(4): 301-307, doi:10.1016/j.partic.2010.01.006 (201008)
6, Wu J., Fu C. B., Zhang L. Y., Tang J. P., Trends of visibility on sunny days in China in the recent 50 years, Atmospheric Environment, 2012, 55: 339-346. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2012.03.037 (201208)
7, Wu J., Xu Y. Y., Yang Q., Han Z. W., Zhao D. M., Tang J. P., A numerical simulation of aerosols’ direct effects on tropopause height. Theoretical and applied climatology, 2013, 112(3-4): 659-671 doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0760-5 (201305)
8, Wu J., Liu J., Variations of cloud fraction over East Asia under global warming conditions in the past 20 years, Journal of Tropical Meteorology, 2013, 19 (2): 171-180. (201306)
9, Wu J., Yang Q. D., Yang X., Zhao D. M., Changes in the tropopause height induced by landing typhoons in China during the last 50 years. Atmos. Sci. Let. 2013, 14(3): 176-180, DOI: 10.1002/asl.436. (201307)
10, Wu J., Guo J., and Zhao D. M., Characteristics of aerosol transport and distribution in East Asia. Atmospheric Research, 2013, 132-133: 185-198, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2013.05.018. (201310)
11, Wu J., Zhang X., Hu J. Y., Zhao D. M., Probability of different visibility grades in China over a 50-year period. Meteorol. Atmos. Phys., 2013, 122 (1-2): 115-123, doi 10.1007/s00703-013-0277-1. (201310)
12, Wu, J., J. Luo, L. Zhang, L. Xia, D. Zhao, and J. Tang (2014), Improvement of aerosol optical depth retrieval using visibility data in China during the past 50 years, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 2014, 119, 13370-13387, doi:10.1002/2014JD021550. (201412)
13, Wu, J., L. Zhang, D. Zhao, and J. Tang (2015), Impacts of warming and water vapor content on the decrease in light rain days during the warm season over eastern China, Clim. Dyn., 45: 1841-1857, doi: 10.1007/s00382-014-2438-4. (201510)
14,Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao (2016), Estimating the impact of the changes in land use and cover on the surface wind speed over the East China Plain during the period 1980-2011, Clim. Dyn., 46(3): 847-863 , doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2616-z. (201602)
15, Wu, J., C. Y. Ling, D. M. Zhao, B. Zhao (2016), A counterexample of aerosol suppressing light rain in Southwest China during 1951-2011, Atmos. Sci. Let., 17(9): 487-491, doi: 10.1002/asl.682. (201609)
16, Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao (2017), Evaluating the effects of land use and cover change on the decrease of surface wind speed over China in recent 30 years using a statistical downscaling method, Clim. Dyn., 48(1-2), 131-149, doi:10.1007/s00382-016-3065-z. (201701)
17, Wu J., Zhang L. Y., Gao Y. C., Zhao D. M., Zha J. L., Yang Q. D. (2017), Impacts of cloud cover on long-term changes in light rain in Eastern China, Int. J. Climatol., 37(12): 4409-4416. doi: 10.1002/joc.5095. (201710)
18,Wu, J., J. L. Zha, D. Zhao, Q. D. Yang (2018), Changes in Terrestrial Near-Surface Wind Speed and Their Possible Causes: An Overview, Clim. Dyn., 2018, 51(5-6): 2039-2078. doi:10.1007/s00382-017-3997-y (201809).
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